We brought home our adorable Basset Hound, Sheila, about 6 months ago, and it's been an absolute game changer for our family
From the moment we met Sheila, we knew she was special. Her temperament, energy level, and affectionate nature were exactly what we were looking for in a furry companion.
Sheila has settled in beautifully, and we can't imagine life without her! She's brought so much joy, laughter, and love into our home. We're grateful for the wonderful start she's had in life, thanks to you

Marilyn Keller
We have been doing business with Westcoast Bassets for over 3 years now and have taken four dogs during these years from Westcoast Bassets kennel. We have also recommended them to friends and associates as a great place to get your Basset Hound puppy. The kennels are clean and well maintained and every effort is made to keep them free of germs brought in by us mere humans.
We got our last male puppy in February and he is an outstanding dog that has a great personality.

Denise Carr
I feel so blessed that I found Westcoast Bassets the care and support they give you before, while waiting, and even after you get your little one home is phenomenal. I loved the fact that you sat down with me and discussed what I wanted out of my female Basset. They have done their research on their dogs and know how to choose the right parents to produce the puppy you want. I am so thankful I picked Adel from Westcoast Bassets. I would recommend a puppy from Westcoast Bassets any day.

Carol Hughes
Our best to you and Ron (I hope I’m recalling his name correctly but apologize if I’m wrong), the man whom I DO distinctly remember saying (as I was crying because Chris Hunt was trying to pick a different dog than the very sweet puppy sitting at my feet, smiling up at me for a second time and trusting me to pick him) … “Are you CRAZY??? If you have THAT kind of a reaction to a dog, THAT’s the dog you’re supposed to have!” I knew then, we all know now.

Kathleen Turner
Hope against hope this is still a valid email address for you. Want to tell you AGAIN how very much we love our dog . He is the BEST dog, the smartest, most well-behaved, pleasant, people-friendly dog we have ever known. We love him so much it scares us. We have bragged about him to friends, acquaintances and strangers (usually with him within hearing distance … but he remains humble!), talked about him to the point where numerous people have told us that THEY too have had a Basset Hound they loved beyond all other dogs, one that was captured their hearts and souls, was handsome/beautiful, well-behaved, smart … in short, THE BEST DOG THEY HAVE EVER OWNED. And a good majority of those people have advised that they got their dog(s) from YOU! It is always a pleasant and wonderful, heartwarming surprise (but somehow not a surprise at all).
You, by doing exactly what you do, have made so many people happy, have made so many families complete. For this, and for our dog, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Joan Willis